Diary August 26, 1915

Captured Russian 7.62-cm field guns Putlow M02
Captured Russian 7.62-cm field guns Putlow M02 are exhibit in Germany.
Diary for Thursday, August 26, 1915:

Eastern Front

Poland: Gallwitz occupies Bialystok (110 miles (ca. 177 km) northeast of Warsaw), Eichhorn occupies Fort Olita on Niemen. Bugarmee crosses Brest-Kovel road.

Southern Fronts

Trentino: Italian progress in Val Sugana, capture Monte Gisa on August 28.

Middle East

India – Northwest Frontier: 2 British columns defeat Swats and Bunerwals until August 31 after latter had attack Rustam Camp on August 17.

Air War

North Sea: Dunkirk RNAS Squadron Commander Bigsworth’s Farman bombs and damages U-boat 6 miles (ca. 10 km) northwest of Ostend (two more such attacks on September 6 and 26).
Germany: French Esc MF29 raid Roessler poison gas works at Dronach.
Mesopotamia: 4 Martinsyde Scouts reach Basra, 4 Maurice Farmans already in theater with No 30 Squadron.


Germany: Government announces merchant ships will not be attacked without warning.


USA: Colonel House warns President Wilson war with Germany will mean widespread city sabotage.

Home Fronts

Germany: Reichstag deputy praises War Ministry’s union relations compared with civil authorities.
France: Prime Minister Viviani wins confidence vote.
Britain: ­Clyde Shipbuilders strike until September 4.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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