Diary December 2, 1915

the Virgin in the trenches
In this Austria-Hungarian trench on the Eastern Front the Virgin donates the soldier solace in hard t times.
Diary for Tuesday, December 2, 1915:

Eastern Front

Galicia: Austrians driven back to west bank of river Styr, repulsed again on December 17, attacks at several points beaten on December 3.

Western Front

German communique reports artillery duels and mining at different points. French evening communique: ‘Between the Somme and the Oise there was a violent bombardment of our positions of Dancourt, Marqui­Villiers and Le Cessier ­region of Roye – to which our batteries successfully replied’.

Southern Fronts

Serbia: German headquarter reports invasion of northwest Montenegro where Crown Prince of Serbia arrives (Cetinje).
Greece: Army of the Orient (Sarrail) comes under Joffre.
Italian Front: Italian writer and Trieste-born volunteer Scipio Siapater killed, aged 27, on Mt Podgova.

African Fronts

Lake Tanganyika: Lieutenant Rosenthal (Captain of Kingani) discovers Royal Navy Flotilla at Lukuga but is captured.

Sea War

Aegean: Battleship Agamemnon smashes Kavak Bridge at head of Gulf of Xeros.
Black Sea: 50 landing craft (760-man capacity) ordered for Russian Black Sea Fleet, only 20 completed with engines in 1916.

Occupied countries

Poland: American Dr Kellogg confers with Germans on food relief.

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