World War One Diary for Thursday, June 6, 1918:
Western Front
Marne – Battle of Belleau Wood (until June 25): US 2nd Division and 4th US Marine Brigade counter-attack west of Chateau-Thierry and capture Vaux, Bouresches and Belleau Wood (1,087 killed; 7,000 wounded). Crown Prince orders consolidation of line won. British recapture Fligny village height southwest of Reims until May 7. Clemenceau sacks d’Esperey from Northern Army Group, but sends him to Salonika on June 11. Allied Supreme War Council settles Haig-Foch tussle over reserves. Franco-US forces recapture Veuilly-La Poterie and Vinly.
Eastern Front
USSR: Lenin accepts German ultimatum for Black Sea Fleet’s return to Sevastopol.
Volga:Stalin arrives in Tsaritsyn by train with 2 armoured cars and 400 Red Guards.
Sea War
North Sea: Dutch hospital ship Koeningen Regentes (4 lives lost) repatriating PoWs between England and The Hague sunk by U-boat.
Air War
Germany: 6 Handley Pages and 10 F.E.2s attack Thionville and Metz railways (night June 6-7).
Western Front: RAF 9th Brigade (200 aircraft, squadrons sent on June 3) reinforces 1,000 French aircraft in fierce air fighting over Roye, Montdidier and Noyon.