Diary March 18, 1917

Turkish staff officer with a ten-year-old boy soldier
A Turkish staff officer with a ten-year-old boy soldier who has his slain father’s rifle and medal at the Caucasus front.
World War One Diary for Sunday, March 18, 1917:

Middle East

Armenia Kemal C-in-C Turk Second Army (Deputy since March 5) in new Army Group Caucasus (Ahmed Izzet Pasha), only 40,000 strong, and still typhus-ridden. Russians reoccupy Van.
Mesopotamia: British occupy Baquba (35 miles northeast of Baghdad) after 240 lorried infantry with 4 armoured cars fail to seize bridge there on March 14.

Western Front

Somme: BEF GHQ Intelligence summary reports wells at Barleux southwest of Peronne poisoned with arsenic. French reoccupy Noyon (population 12,000; streets mined and booby­-trapped, explosions till mid­-April). British 48th Division occupies Peronne and BEF Chaulnes. Allies enter Nesle together.
Verdun: German attacks in Avocourt-Mort Homme sector repulsed (until March 19).

Air War

Salonika: Two attempted KG1 raids broken up by Royal Flying Corps fighters; Captain Murlis Green in BE12 shoots down 1 bomber, damages another.

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