Diary March 25, 1915

German military hospital
German military hospital for wounded soldiers in 1915.
Diary for Thursday, March 25, 1915:

Western Front

Artois: French re-control Notre Dame de Lorette Ridge and repulse counter-attack.

Eastern Front

Galicia: Only 1/3 of 4th Siberian Reserve Rifle Regiment de-train at Lemberg.
Carpathians: ­Brusilov advances until April 4, retakes Lupkow Pass on March 26 with 8,200 PoWs.

Middle East

Egypt: Hamilton arrives at Alexandria.
India – Northwest Frontier: Action of Dardoni by General Fane against 10,000 Tochi warriors threatening Miranshah until March 27. Colonial Secretary Harcourt’s Cabinet memo urges Mesopotamia’s annexation for Indian immigration and US Palestine mandate.

Sea War

Baltic: German warships shell Courland and Libau (March 28).


Allied military intelligence in Petrograd reports German weapons for Turkey being allowed through Romania and Bulgaria. British foreign minister Grey vainly protests to envoys.

Secret War

Germany: ­Toxic gas trench mortar bombs tested at Wahn near Cologne.

Home Fronts

Japan: Government wins elections with 80% majority.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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