Diary November 30, 1943

Destroyed light Russian T-70 tanks and killed Red Army soldiers
The Red Army payed for their success with high losses. Destroyed light Russian T-70 tanks and killed Red Army soldiers left on the battlefield after an assault on German Army Group Center.
WW2 War Diary for Tuesday, November 30, 1943:

Eastern Front

Central Sector: Russians now within 11 km of Zhlobin.

Sea War

Merchant shipping losses in November 1943: 14 Allied ships with 40,685 tons in Atlantic, 15 Allied ships with 103,705 tons elsewhere.
70 Japanese ships with 320,807 tons in Pacific.
19 U-boats sunk in the Atlantic, Arctic or Baltic (worldwide total of 19 losses), 25 new U-boats operational, 437 U-boats of all types total in service.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III