Diary October 24, 1915

Colmar von der Goltz
Colmar von der Goltz was one of the first German military advisers which should modernize the Turkish army. During the war he commanded several Turkish armies and died in 1916 in Baghdad – either from cholera or he was poisoned.
Diary for Sunday, October 24, 1915:

Middle East

German general Goltz relinquished First Army (Thrace) for Sixth (Mesopota­mia and Persia).
Mesopotamia: London allows Nixon to continue advance, partly to influence Persia; Indian Corps to come from France.
Arabia: ­McMahon’s letter to Sherif Hussein concedes most boundaries but Hussein’s reply from November 5 wants also Aleppo and Beirut.

Western Front

Haig diary: ‘ .. it was not fair to the Empire to retain French in command’, tells King so.
Champagne: French troops capture ‘La Courtine’ southeast of Tahure (Butte du Mesnil Salient), unsuccessful German counter­attacks (October 25 and 30).

Eastern Front

Baltic Provinces: German Eighth Army repulsed on Lower Aa but takes Dahlen island (Dvina) within 10 miles of Riga, more fightings on October 25-28.

Southern Fronts

Bulgarian troops have cut off Serb main armies from French.


USA: Two German agents arrested, charged with conspiracy to destroy munitions ships leaving New York.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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