Diary September 5, 1918

French Schneider Modele 1912 railway gun
French Schneider Modele 1912 railway gun, dismounted from its carriage onto a turntable and extensively camouflaged for heavy long-range fire support.
World War One Diary for Thursday, September 5, 1918:

Western Front

Somme: French Third Army (Humbert) advances on St Quentin from Noyon, retakes Ham on September 6, fights across Crozat Canal at two points, retaking 5 villages on September 8, another 3 and Fort Liez on September 9.
Aisne: French troops and AEF reach the river in Conde sector. Legion’s 3rd Battalion, storms MG­-studded Terny-Sorny, then held at Allemant (September 6).
Meuse: AEF St Mihiel attack set for September 12.

Eastern Front

Ukraine: Hetman Skoropadski in Berlin; 1918-19 Economic agreement signed at Kiev on September 11.
East Siberia­: Japanese take Khabarovsk with 120 guns, and Blagoveschensk on September 18 with 2,000 Austro-German PoWs, 326 rail cars and 55 steamers.

Middle East

Northwest Persia: Up to 2,000 Turks with 2 guns (11th Caucasian Division) advance along Tabriz road vs 660 British and irregulars, occupy Turkmanchai (September 7) and Mianeh (September 9), patrols reach Zenjan after British Kullan Kuh mountain position outflanked on September 12, but by September 21 recalled to Constantinople.

Air War

Canada: Royal Canadian Naval Air Service founded.
Western Front: ­RAF reduces low-flying fighter operations to recuperate, losses fall dramatically until September

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III