Diary September 22, 1914

Armoured cruiser Cressy
Armored cruiser Cressy. Her fate was a terrible portent for the future. Steaming slowly in a straight line off the Dutch coast with two of her sister ships, Hogue and Aboukir, she was attacked by the German submarine U-9. All three cruisers were sunk, one after the other, with the loss of 1,500 men.
War Diary of World War One for Tuesday, September 22, 1914:

Sea War

North Sea: 3 old British cruisers Aboukir, Cressy and Hogue torpedoed and sunk within an hour by U9 (Weddi­gen). 1459 dead, 837 rescued by trawlers and Harwich Force.
Indian Ocean: ­Emden (125 shells) bombards Burmah Oil Company facilities, Madras. 50,000 t oil set on fire.
Pacific: Spee bombards Papeete (Tahiti); old French gunboat Zelee torpedoed.

Western Front

FIRST BATTLE OF PICARDY (until September 26) begins as French Second Army reach Roye and Montdidier only to be blocked next day. French novelist Lieutenant Alain-Fournier killed, aged 27, leading platoon charge at Vaux-les-Palaneix. French brigade reoccupies Douai.
Belgium: 7 detachments (total 700 men) of Belgian volunteer cyclists ride out from Antwerp and cut German rail communications in three provinces.

Eastern Front

Poland: New German Ninth Army (250,000) arriving north of Cracow; only 2 corps left in East Prussia. Grand Duke Nicholas holds war council at Kholm, regroup on Vistula to entrap Ludendorff and then invade Germany.
Galicia: ­Russians approach Przemysl (first shelled on September 18).

African Fronts

East Africa: Botha C-in-C East Africa. Coast Fort Majoreni repels 300 Germans, but British evacuate to Gazi, 25 miles (ca. 40 km) south of Mombasa (arriving September 26). German aim is to capture and wreck port from September 29 on, but cruiser Königsberg fails to appear.

Air War

Germany: FIRST BRITISH AIR RAID ON GERMANY. 4 RNAS Sopwith Tabloids from Antwerp attack Zeppelin sheds at Cologne and Düsseldorf. Flight Lieutenant Collet drops 3 x 20lb bombs (UXB) at Düsseldorf.
Western Front: RFC BE2 attempting to bomb kite-balloon intercepted by Albatros 2­-seater; pilot wounded.
Britain: ­RNAS airship Beta patrols over fog-shrouded London to test visibility of potential Zeppelin targets.

Home Fronts

Britain: Extra 50 MG’s per week ordered from Vickers for French Army.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III