Browser strategy games March 2020

News from Call of War, Supremacy 1914 and Conflict of Nations in March 2020.

Call of War

The developer Byto is happy to officially present the brand-new Call of War logo! As much as they loved the old logo, they felt that Call of War 1.5 needs modern and appropriate branding. In order to perfect the new look for Call of War 1.5, they didn’t stop at the new logo but also gave all units in the game a new look. Bytro hopes all players like the changes!

However, not only was a lot of work done on the appearance of the game but also a few minor flaws that were on the list of players were fixed. The days are counted on which a province was lost to an enemy, even though an allied force had placed its troops in the center of the province for protection. Bytro was also able to fix the bug that caused supply drops to be dropped in the Allied area from time to time.

General changes:

  • The range indicator no longer has a gradient. The circle is now displayed more clearly than a ring.
  • We improved the visibility of roads on the map. Roads are now displayed twice as wide.
  • We have improved the look of the “Send me login link” button in the account settings of the app. The button is now more clearly recognizable as such.
  • We have increased the zoom level in the improved graphics.
  • You can now zoom in closer to what’s going on to get a better overview and see more details on the map.
  • We have reduced the range of “snapping” in the improved graphics.
  • This allows you to move units closer to the center of a province without attacking them. Wind noise is now only audible when zooming out of the map.
  • We have added a special list with the properties of a unit to the unit details in the app. The viewing radius of a unit is now displayed in the Properties section in the unit details.
  • We have added icons to the production and research menu that indicate the armor class of units.
  • We have added icons to the tabs for production and research on the PC.
  • New private resource offers now appear occasionally in the market.

Upcoming Events

Arms Race 4x Speed: (Sign-up period:06.03.2020 – 10.03.2020)

Arms Races BANNER

It is time again for our Arms Race event and the challenge to manage and coordinate the massive amounts of units and resources that are provided on this map on day 1. Five light tanks, four medium tanks, three artillery units, two mechanized infantries, two anti-tank units, one commando, and one anti-air unit will be stationed in all urban provinces protecting your already fully upgraded buildings, ready to receive orders. In all non-urban provinces, you will find three infantry units.

All Countries: All In! 4x Speed: (Sign-up period: 13.03.2020 – 17.03.2020)

All IN

Did you ever want to take the reigns of the smaller nations that participated in World War 2? Try to grow a small country into a big empire or pick an established superpower and surround yourself with allies. Recreate history or conquer the whole world in this historical battle scenario!

Pick your favorite: (Sign-up period: 20.03.2020 – 24.03.2020)

Pickyourfavourite WW2

For the first time in Call of War history, the community will decide which event to host over the weekend. Which of the following events is your favorite? Players can vote for their favorite event from Monday, March 9th until Tuesday, March 17th, 2020! The selection is given below.

What happens if all states in North America are armed with nuclear weapons? Who will press the button first? In this scenario, all North American countries have unlocked research down to nuclear devices and equipped their armies with these deadliest weapons.

Endgame 1944:
Will the axis turn the tide of war in a decisive battle? Will the Soviets and Allies inevitably collide and turn an impending Cold War into a hot one? In this 3vs3vs3 team scenario, you can play as an Axis, Soviet or Western ally and change the course of history!

Rush for Europe:
“Rush for Europe” is a special event card that runs at the breathtaking 6 times the speed of normal game rounds! Even the smallest decision could have serious consequences of this rate. Experience the war for Europe as you have never seen it before!

Tournament Island:
Show everyone that you are the greatest strategist out there. Tournament Island meets two solid and perfectly balanced teams in a fight on a symmetrical island. Who is the better team?

More about Call of War here !
Test and play Call of War for your own here: button go

Supremacy 1914

Bytro is really happy to celebrate the great sound and music in Supremacy 1914. The new Supremacy 1914 soundtrack lets your players dive even more into the battlefields of World War I than ever before! You are finally able to hear the action on the map and listen to your troops fighting for victory! The sound effects in Supremacy 1914 are dynamic and the volume of many effects changes depending on your distance from the source. To celebrate this, we have released the full Supremacy 1914 soundtrack on Youtube:

But that is not all, they are also proud to present new players a better way to explain the features, menus, and information available in the game. The result is the brand-new contextual tutorial! It provides short hints explaining the different menus and UI elements and helps players find and process all information available in the game.

They also reworked the game chat. When in a game round, players can now freely move and resize it. A new scenario chat was added to allow players to communicate with only the players on the map they are currently playing.

General changes:

  • We have increased the zoom level.
  • You can now zoom in closer to what’s going on to get a better overview and see more details on the map.
  • The higher zoom level is not available in legacy mode.
  • We have reduced the range of “snapping”.
  • This allows you to move units closer to the center of a province without attacking them.
  • In legacy mode, the reduced range for snapping is not available.
  • A tooltip now appears when a player presses the button to start or queue a production. (The tooltip confirms that production has started or the classification has been successful.)
  • We have found that players prefer to attack inactive players. This is not the way we designed game rounds. Therefore, we are removing player activity indicators from the game. This should make game rounds more exciting and less predictable.
  • The new private resource offers now appear occasionally in the market.

Upcoming Events

Arms Race! 4x Speed: (Laufzeit: 06.03.2020 – 10.03.2020

Arms Race

It is time again for our Arms Race event and the challenge to manage and coordinate the massive amounts of units and resources that are provided on this map on day 1. Five light tanks, four medium tanks, three artillery units, two mechanized infantries, two anti-tank units, one commando, and one anti-air unit will be stationed in all urban provinces protecting your already fully upgraded buildings, ready to receive orders. In all non-urban provinces, you will find three infantry units.

All Countries: All In! 4x Speed: (Laufzeit: 13.03.2020 – 17.03.2020)

All Countires All In

Did you ever want to take the reigns of the smaller nations that participated in World War 2? Try to grow a small country into a big empire or pick an established superpower and surround yourself with
allies. Recreate history or conquer the whole world in this historical battle scenario!

Pick your favorite: (Laufzeit: 20.03.2020 – 24.03.2020)

Pickyourfavorite S1914

For the first time in Supremacy 1914’s history, the community will decide which event to host over the weekend. Which of the following events is your favorite? Players can vote for their favorite event from Monday, March 9th until Tuesday, March 17th, 2020!

Steel and Ice!
Wealthy industrialists are exploiting the resources of Antarctica and trying to establish their own state. As sovereign of your empire, you cannot allow that. Conquer and hold two of three Control Points for four ingame days to expel the competitors and claim Antarctica’s treasures (50,000 Goldmark)! This exclusive map is only available for joining during the sign-up period. Apart from the Dominion mode victory conditions, it features special resource hotspots on the map for which players can compete.

Colonial Uprising!
Separatist movements rose to power in different parts of the world and control major resources now. Use this opportunity to seize these regions and utilize them to forge a mighty global Empire! Victory on this map is not achieved by simple conquest, in order to win you have to secure 13 of 25 Control Points scattered across the world map. Only one player will win the huge gold reward in the end, so use your wits and plan your strategy wisely to have a chance in this demanding event!

Team Up!
Some battles are not meant to be fought alone and our next event is one of them. Join the 100 player map and choose which of the two sides will benefit from your knowledge as a leader and tactician. Prepare for the biggest team fight in history.

Rush for Europe!
Mobilize your troops and prepare yourself for whatever enemy you may face! “Rush for Europe” is a special event map that runs on breathtaking 6 times the speed of normal game rounds! Even the tiniest decision could have severe consequences at this pace. Experience the war for Europe in a way you have never seen it before!

More about the new Supremacy 1914 here!
Test and play Supremacy 1914 for your own here: button go

Conflict of Nations

Here are the exciting new units and maps Conflict of Nations has in store for the players in Season 3:

Season 3 Teaser

Season 3 finishes 5th May 2020 14:00:00 (UTC +0)

New Elite Submarines
Scorpène CA-2000 (EU) | 677 Lada (Eastern) | US: Northrop Type 212A (Western)
Security Council members need 2,000 Points in this Season to unlock the Submarine.

The Elite Submarine excels in naval combat – faring better in coastal waters than other submarine variants. Equipped with Stealth technology, these submarines are the ultimate naval predators and will spell trouble for naval ships, no less in the shallow sea.

  • Sight-Range/Attack Range has a value of 50
  • Half HP in High Seas (-50%) and half ATK/DEF in High Seas (-50%)
  • Has no radar/sonar but stealth
  • Limited Mobilization:
    ⦁ At Tier 1 a maximum of 3 submarines
    ⦁ At Tier 2 a maximum of 6 submarines
    ⦁ At Tier 3 a maximum of 10 submarines
  • Drop their Radar Signature at Tier 2
  • Able to launch Cruise Missiles at Tier 3
  • Does not have research prerequisites

Season 1 Elite Tanks make a comeback – for a limited time!

Black Night (EU) | Black Eagle (Eastern) | Merkava MK4 (Western)
Security Council members need 1,000 Points in this Season to unlock the Elite Tank

Season 1 main battle tank

For the first time ever, the Season 1 Tank makes its return to the battlefield – giving the opportunity to unlock this legacy elite unit for the full duration of Season 3! You will find all the details here.

Blood and Oil – NEW MAP!


Blood lust is rampant, and the smell of sulfur-ridden smog permeates the lands of the Middle East in recent times of crisis. Nations clash in the ultimate race for domination over the war-torn land in a desperate attempt to fuel the raging fires of eternal war. The Blood and Oil map will be running this weekend, with the 4x speed version making its debut just after our latest update! Be sure to inform yourself of the latest changes to Radar and Sight Range, lest you fall victim to the engulfing fog of war and the threats therein.

This map features:

  • 50 Players across Europe, Middle East, North Africa and parts of Asia
  • Coalition Sizes of 3
  • 10 Strategic Sites which provide VP and extra resource production
  • Specific occupied cities claimed as their homeland by two opposing nations (NEW)
  • Ex-territorial bases and Territories (US in the Middle East, China in Africa, Russia in Syria, Turkey in Libya).
  • Regular speed and 4x Speed versions available
  • 4x Games provide 4 times faster Research, Travel times. Day times, & Combat times!
    You can read all the details and information on this game mode on our official wiki.

Test and play Conflict of Nations for your own here: button go

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