Diary December 6, 1915

British colonial troops
British colonial troops defending a hill position in East Africa.
Diary for Monday, December 6, 1915:

African Fronts

East Africa: 250 German troops retake Kasigao Hill. By December 31, 650 Germans pin down 5000 British south of Uganda Railway.
Cameroons: French have advanced only c. 8 miles from Eseka, fighting every day but two since November 24.

Western Front

ALLIED WAR COUNCIL AT CHANTILLY (until December 8) including Joffre, Haig, Alexeiev and Cadorna.

Southern Fronts

Serbia: Bulgar 2nd Division bombards and probes British 10th Div position south of Kosturino and in dense fog forces it back up to 2 miles til next day with loss of 4 guns.
Albania: ­Essad Pasha declares himself for Allies and has already helped Serbs, but his authority is limited. Arnauten tribesmen decimate Serb columns in revenge for 1912­-13 bloodshed.


Chantilly Conference (until December 10): Allies decide on general summer 1916 offensive, also to hold Salonika (December 10).


Greece: Venizelos withdraws Party from election.
USA: Government note to Austria demands Ancona sinking disavowal and punishment, Austria replies on December 14. Second US note on December 19, Vienna complies on December 29.

Home Fronts

Britain: Army officers disablement pension in­creased. Munitions Ministry now controls 2,026 factories.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III