Diary February 15, 1944

destroyed ancient Abbey of Monte Cassino
The complete destroyed ancient Abbey of Monte Cassino after the Allied air raid.
WW2 War Diary for Tuesday, February 15, 1944:

Air War

Mediterranean: MONTE CASSINO BOMBARDED. Ancient Abbey of Monte Cassino shattered by Allied bombers and artillery fire. 135 B-17 Fortress and medium bombers drop 493 t HE and IEs. 400 Italian women and children refugees killed inside Abbey – which is not occupied by Germans until after the bombardment.

Sea War

Pacific: Japanese convoy smashed by US bombers off New Hanover (near Rabaul).


Poland: Polish Government-in-exile in London rejects Soviet proposal that the Curzon Line (322 km west of 1939 Russo-Polish frontier) should now be post-war frontier.

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