World War One Diary for Friday, January 25, 1918:
Southern Fronts
Piave: British 5th Division relieves Italian VIII Corps (until January 27).
Eastern Front
German Suedarmee disbanded. Rumanians fight Reds at Galatz on Danube.
Russia: Red Commissar of Military Affairs orders sailors to stiffen all detachments sent to the interior.
Middle East
Arabia – Battle of Tafila: Lawrence’s 600 Arabs (c.100 casualties) destroy Fakhri Bey’s force (over 200 PoWs, 2 guns, 27 MGs). Turks evacuate Kerak and retreat to Amman, Lawrence later awarded DSO. Turk Fourth Army (Djemal Kuchuk) put under Falkenhayn with German CoS Major Papen.