Urals: Red First Army takes Uralsk, disorganizing Orenburg and Ural Cossacks.
Siberia: General Knox cables regarding ‘Prinkipo Proposal’, ‘suddenly the whole of Russia is informed by wireless that her Allies regard the brave men who are here fighting for part of civilization as on a part with the bloodstained, Jew-led Bolsheviks’.
France – Peace Process: Commission of Polish Affairs formed and sent (permanent Committee from February 12).
Britain: Churchill announces Army pay bonus of 10s 6d pw (cost £36.5 million per year) and only 900,000-strong Occupation Army (3,676,473 soldiers on January 1) to be retained of men under 36 enlisted after January 1, 1916 or 1-year volunteers. Release of Admiralty’s 3,000 trawlers urged.