Diary July 16, 1918

room in which Tsar with familiy was murdered
The room with the wall in the Siberian Jakaterinburg, in which the Tsar with family was murdered in the night of July 16.-17.
World War One Diary for Tuesday, July 16, 1918:

Eastern Front

USSR: EX-TSAR AND IMPERIAL FAMILY MURDERED at Ekaterinburg by Red Ural Regional Council’s order or by Moscow’s. Zsarina’s sister and 5 Romanov princes murdered in nearby Alapaevsk on July 17.

Western Front

Champagne and Marne: French hold Germans east of Reims, but fall back slightly at Prunay; west of Reims German advance up Marne to Renil threatens Epernay (7 miles east), US 42nd Division counter-attacks north of St Agnan La Chapelle.

Sea War

North Atlantic: U-54 sinks sloop HMS Anchusa off Northern Ireland.
Western Mediterranean: Destroyer night collision between HMS Cygnet and Italian Garibaldino sinks latter off Villefranche (South France).

Air War

Germany: 12 DH9s of No 99 Squadron and 6 DH4s of No 55 Squadron attack Thionville (over 93 casualties); 15-wagon munition train explodes; another train hit; serious fires started, and goods station badly damaged. Handley Pages drop 5 bombs in Saarbruecken centre (heavy damage). 10 F.E.2s bomb Hagendingen; bomb destroys tunnel shelter (23 casualties) and burns large stocks af fodder and coal.
Western Front: ­Germans claim 37 Allied aircraft for loss of 14.

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