Diary July 20, 1916

British infantry attack on the Somme
British infantry attack on the Somme. The unfortunate man on the right appears to have become one of the many dead, and did not even make it out of the start trench.
Diary for Thursday, July 20, 1916:

Western Front

Battle of the Somme: 778 surviving South Africans relieved at Delville Wood. 4 British divisions begin attacks on High Wood (until July 30).
Verdun: Mangin’s French attack in Souville-Thiaumont sector gains ground (and on July 24 and 28).

Eastern Front

Brusilov Offensive, Pripet: Sakharov captures Berestechko on river Styr, Galician border, crosses river taking 14,000 PoWs (July 21).
Heir apparent Austrian Archduke Charles in command of Suedarmee, Seventh and Third Armies.

Southern Fronts

Greece: Greek Army demobilization nearly completed.

Middle East

Armenia: V Caucasus Corps occupies Ardasa.
Mesopotamia: Shamal northwest wind begins 6 weeks late.
Persia: ­Niedermayer arrives in Tehran from Afghanistan via Russian Turkestan (invalided home from Baghdad in February 1917).

African Fronts

East Africa: British main body meets troops from Tanga. Anglo­-Belgian Entebbe Conference (­until July 23).
Lake Tanganyika: Major-General Wahle evacuates Kigoma.


Greece: Government agrees new £800,000 Anglo-French loan.

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