Diary July 20, 1918

French troops take cover
French troops take cover as one of their tanks is hit.
World War One Diary for Saturday, July 20, 1918:

Western Front

Champagne and Marne: ­GERMANS RECROSS THE MARNE. Total Allied captures since July 15 are 20,000 PoWs and 400 guns. Mangin has only 32 tanks but makes 8 attacks. British 51st and 62nd divisions attack but gain only a mile and 500 PoWs vs hidden MGs (Battle of Tardenois until July 31).
Flanders­: Ludendorff cables Rupprecht: ‘In view of the situation of the Army Group Crown Prince Wilhelm which … will absorb a still great amount of troops, and … the possibility of a British offensive action the ‘Hagen’ operation will probably never come into execution.’

Sea War

East Atlantic: Troopship White Star liner Justicia (32,234t, 10 lost) sinks off West Scotland after persistent attacks since July 19 by coastal submarine UB-64 (Schrader) and a coup de grace from UB-124 despite up to 40 escorts. (UB-124 sunk later by destroyer HMS Mame‘s depth charges in Northern Channel).

Home Fronts

France: Foch asks Clemenceau to call up 1920 conscript class at end of 1918.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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