Diary March 20, 1915

The original plan of the ‘Landship’ from de Mole dated from the year 1912.
Diary for Saturday, March 20, 1915:

Secret War

Churchill approves 18 ‘landship’ (tank) prototypes, orders all haste.

Western Front

Artois: Germans storm trenches near Notre Dame de Lorette, but French recover them next day.
Foch sends Joffre a spring offensive plan.

Eastern Front

East Prussia: 16,000 Russian soldiers take Laugszargen and attack Tilsit but Esebeck’s German Brigade retake it on March 23.
Carpathians: Russian general Brusilov takes 2,400 PoWs near Smolnik. Südarmee attacks near Kosziowa until March 27.

Air War

France: Paris outskirts bombed (52 bombs, 9 casualties) by German Army airships LZ29 and LZ35. SL2 bombs Compiegne instead. LZ29 shot down by anti-aircraft fire near Saint Quentin (night March 20-21).
Western Front: Belgian Aviation Militaire formed.


Italy: Allies in principle accept Italy’s conditions. Italian military attaché leaves Vienna next day.
Germany: Would-be Danish mediator Hans Niels Andersen sees Kaiser at Charleville after visit to Petrograd (March 1-7).

Home Fronts

Germany: Reichstag votes 3rd War Credit; Liebknecht and one other oppose, 30 abstain.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III