Western Front
Flanders: Intelligence officers of XV Corps, French Tenth Army, learn from PoWs that extensive German preparations near Zillebeke east of Ypres to employ ‘asphyxiating gases’ (i.e. chlorine cylinders).
ChamÂpagne: Reims Cathedral under bombardment.
Vosges: German counter-attack ion Fecht valley reaches HerrenÂberg.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: Austrian river steamer Belgrad tries to break Allied Danube blockade (night 30/31), hits Russian mine and is sunk by Serb 75Â mm field guns.
Eastern Front
Austrian GHQ morale ‘below zero. The Chief (Conrad) never stops grumbling’.
African Fronts
Southwest Africa: McKenzie’s South African Central Force (11,000 men) occupies Aus 80 miles (ca. 129 km) inland from Lüderitz.
Home Fronts
Britain: King offers total alcohol abstinence in Royal Household for duration of war.