Diary May 10, 1915

British poster on the sinking of the ‘Lusitania’. The ‘sword of justice’ is proferred to USA.
Diary for Monday, May 10, 1915:


USA: President Wilson Lusitania speech: ‘There is such a thing as a man being too proud to fight’. Germany assures US that neutral shipping will not be attacked, but issues no such order.

Home Fronts

Britain: Lusitania sinking sparks anti­-German riots in London and Liverpool (until May 12):
British Industries Fair (London, until May 12): 620 firms exhibit goods formerly enemy imports.

Western Front

Flanders: Field Marshal French reluctantly sends 22,000 shells to Marseilles for Gallipoli. Another British attack on Aubers Ridge fails bloodily raising casualties to 11,619 men.
Artois­: Neuville-St-Vaast cemetery and part of Carency (Arras) taken by Petain’s corps and XX Corps but Moroccan Division crippled (Foreign Legion 1,939 casualties), General Barbot of French 77th Division killed by shell.

Eastern Front

Radko reports that his Russian Third Army ‘bled to death’ at Battle of Sanok’s close, allowed to retreat to river San next day. Losses nearly 210,000 men and 200 guns.
Bukovina: Vain diversionary Russian Ninth Army offensive across Dniester (until May 14), takes Nadworna and c.20,000 PoWs.

Sea War

Mediterranean – Secret Anglo-French Italian Naval Convention: a First Allied Fleet to be formed (base Brindisi) under Italian C­-in-C including 4 British battleships and 4 cruisers; 12 French destroyers and 6 submarines. Potential Second Allied Fleet to have French C­-in-C.
Italy: New dreadnought Duilio completed.
Black Sea: Battlecruiser ­Goeben (hit twice) cut off from Bosphorus and damaged in hour’s action with 6 Russian (2 damaged) battleships and 11 other ships off Bosphorus, but outmaneuvers them at 30 kts to reach Stenia Creek base.
Germany­: Tirpitz decides to send coastal submarines UB1 and UB15 to Austrians at Pola. UC14 and UC15, first minelaying boats, also to be sent. Enver Pasha appeals for more (May 23), Tirpitz replies that eight now allocated.

Air War

Britain: German Army airship LZ38 bombs Southend (night 10-11, 3 casualties); causes 6 civilian casualties in night of May 26-27.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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