Diary May 2, 1945

General Weidling surrenders Berlin
The battle commandant of Berlin, General Weidling, is leaving that day his command bunker to offer the Russians the surrender.
Diary for Wednesday, May 2, 1945:

Russian Front

STALIN ANNOUNCES FALL OF BERLIN in Order of the Day No. 359: ‘Troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, commanded by Marshal Zhukov … have today May 2 completely captured Berlin… hotbed of German aggression.’ The Order mentions 131 generals and confers on their units honorary designation of ‘Berlin’ divisions. Battle of Berlin ends with surrender or annihilation of last pockets of resistance: 2,600 captured in shattered Reichstag.
Russians capture ports of Rostock and Warnemünde.

Western Front

British 6th Airborne Division links up with tanks of 70th Russian Armored Division at Wismar.


British 14th Army reaches Pegu, 58 km north of Rangoon. Scratch force of 7,000 Japanese offers fanatical resistance.

Sea War

Indian Ocean: Indian troops land south of Rangoon.
North Sea: 23 out of 60 U-boats sunk by RAF while attempting to escape from Northwest Germany to Norway (May 2-6).


US Marines suffer heavy casualties near river Asa.


Spain: Pierre Laval interned at disposition of the Allies.

Secret War

Dr Wernher von Braun, General Dornberger and other rocket experts surrender to US 44th Infantry Division near Reutte (Austrian Tyrol).

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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