World War One Diary for Wednesday, May 29, 1918:
Western Front
MarneÂ: GERMANS CAPTURE SOISSONS, Fere-enÂ-Tardenois, Vregny plateau and heights south of the Vesle, cross river Ourcq French forced off ‘Paris Line’. Duchene tells Clemenceau his army ‘simply marching to the rear’.
Flanders: Germans repulsed near Mt Kemme!.
Eastern Front
USSR: Central Executive Committee decrees partial conscripÂtion for Red Army and forms Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal. Martial law in Moscow; Lenin sends Stalin to Tsaritsyn to organize food supplies.
Finland: Government forms special 5-man courts to try Reds (67,000 convicted, 265 executed); 11,783 Red PoWs die of disease until August.
Air War
Germany: Half of 12-strong formation of No 99 Squadron return with engine trouble, rest bomb Metz-Sablon railways.
Western Front: 4 French Spad fighter patrols (1 lost) first encounter new Fokker DVII and shoot 5 down.