Western Front
France: FOCH’S LAST GENERAL DIRECTIVE to his 14 armies.
Britain: Haig visits CIGS and War Cabinet in London, considers ‘enemy was not ready for unconditional surrender’ but urges terms for 1918 armistice to prevent winter recovery by Germany.
Lys: ÂLudendorff directs Rupprecht to hold Hermann Lys position for at least 8 days as Plumer’s Second Army forces river in 6Â-mile advance taking Courtrai on October 20.
Flanders: Belgians occupy Zeebrugge and Bruges (King Albert flies in on October 23).
ArtoisÂ: 4th Canadian Division liberates Denain in record day’s advance of nearly 7 miles; Prince of Wales attends thanksgiving ceremony.
Southern Fronts
Bulgaria: French (227th Infantry Regiment by rail from Sofia) reach Danube at Lom-Palanka, capture convoy of lighters on October 21; d’Esperey reports first French guns heard on Danube since 1809. Jouinot-Gambetta’s cavalry reach Danube at Vidin (October 21) after 437-mile march in 36 days.
Middle East
Mesopotamia: Germans withdraw all 1200 advisers, planes, guns and transport until October 21.
South Persia: Despite flu (1,453 sick on October 23) British occupy Ahram, but Zair Khidar and Wassmuss have fled; c.1,000 British leave Shiraz on October 20 to relieve Firuzabad from 2,000 tribesmen (October 25) before flu strikes.
Air War
Syria: 2 Australian No 1 Squadron Bristol Fighters destroy German two-seater 25 miles southwest of Aleppo (bombed October 23), and Babannet airfield to north attacked.
Britain: Canadian Western Front ace Quigley (34 victories) dies of flu. First torpedo plane squadron with 20 Sopwith Cuckoos embarked in British carrier Argus.
Western Front: King Albert letter to Curzon praises RAF support in Allied victory of September 28-30.