Diary October 26, 1917

Canadian gunners at Passchendaele
Canadian gunners in the mud of Passchendaele.
World War One Diary for Friday, October 26, 1917:

Western Front

Flanders – SECOND BATTLE OF PASSCHENDAELE (until November 10): ‘The enemy charged like a wild bull against the iron wall which kept him from our U-boat bases’ (Ludendorff). Main thrusts against Houthulst Forest (French), Poelcapelle, Canadian Corps (426 guns; 1,558 casualties) attacks (at 0530 hours, in rain) and gains 1,000 yds on 2,800-yd front towards Passchendaele, Bercelaere, Gheluvelt (c.3,500 British casualties) and Zandvorde. Canadians gain rising ground southwest of Passchendaele on two spurs.

Southern Fronts

Isonzo: Krauss’ 3 Austrian divisions cross Stol Ridge (6,467ft) and capture Mt Maggiore. After 12­-mile advance Rommel captures Mts Mrzli and Matajur (5,414ft) with 2,700 Salerno Brigade PoWs who defy officers to surrender; 2 German divisions 5 miles from Cividale, headquarter of Italian Second Army. Austrian Second Isonzo Army penetrates Italian Bainsizza second line and First Isonzo Army reports Italian retreat on Carso. Germans claim 60,000 PoWs and 500 guns. Lloyd George orders CIGS to send 2 British Western Front divisions to Italy.


BRAZIL DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY: President Braz announces Germans caught in plot to invade.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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