Home Fronts
Britain: Food Home Production Committee urges more intense farming, use of female labour and guaranteed prices.
Western Front
King George visits French armies and issues Orders of the Day. Writes in his diary: ‘… long serious talk with General Robertson (CoS to Sir J French) and he is strongly of the opinion that a change should be made here as soon as possible. He thinks Ditt (Sir D Haig) would be an excellent C-in-C and that he would work well with Joffre …’.
ChamÂpagne: Unsuccessful German attack. Castelnau’s report on offensive baffled at its failure.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: Serbs evacuate Knjazevac on east border. Kosch’s German X Corps takes record single haul of 1,400 Serb PoWs.
Serbia: Prime Minister Pasic cables Allies for help.