Sea War
Dardanelles: French submarine Turquoise having been first French boat into Marmora, but forced ashore by gunfire and captured by Turks with details of British sub E20 rendezvous.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: Mackensen’s armies within 13 miles of Kragujevac.
Western Front
Champagne: Germans recapture Butte de Tahure.
Eastern Front
Galicia: Südarmee‘s Battle of Siemikowce (until November 5).
African Fronts
Cameroons: French occupy Eseka rail terminus . Railway in full Allied use by December 13.
Southwest Africa: South African Interior Secretary E Gorges becomes Administrator (until October 1920), military governor General Beves leaves but still martial law until January 3, 1921.
Home Fronts
France: General Gallieni becomes War Minister (Millerand resigned the day before). Now Prime Minister Briand soon streamlined propaganda with new Maison de la Presse.
During October 123,000 wounded soldiers from Champagne pass through Troyes.