Diary September 26, 1915

Kaiser Crown Prince  troop inspection
The Kaiser and the Crown Prince at a troop inspection on the Western Front.
Diary for Sunday, September 26, 1915:

Western Front

Loos: 2 BEF reserve ‘New Army’ divisions (21st and 24th) attack too late and are shattered (8,246 casualties in 3 1/2 hours) before 19-feet-thick wire. American-born playwright Harold Chapin killed as Lance-Corporal in RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps). Allies repel counter­attacks. Two British division generals (Capper and Thesiger) killed at front. Field Marshal French visits casualties clearing stations for 2 hours.
French troops capture Souchez.
Champagne: ­Germans drive French 39th Division from Maisons des Cham­pagnes and their second line proves formidable. Army Group German Crown Prince created for duration.

Eastern Front

Ludendorff orders building of Dauerstellung line, 30,000 Russian PoWs taken since September 9.


Bulgaria: Prime Minister says no intention of attacking Greece.
Rumania: Government desires understanding with Bulgaria.

Home Fronts

France: War Victims Flag Day.
Britain: Death of Keir Hardie, first Socialist member of parliament, and anti-war campaigner, aged 59
Turkey: Armenian property liquidated.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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