War Diary World War One for Sunday, January 3, 1915:
Western Front
Memo from Sir J French advocates offensive to recapture Ostend and Zeebrugge (under development as U-boat bases) but plan rejected by January 28 despite his visit in London on January 12-13.
AlsaceÂ: French gains near Cernay and at Steinbach.
Artois: French gains near Arras.
Argonne: ÂGerman attack on Boureuilles.
Eastern Front
Bukovina: Russians occupy Suczawa, Kimpolung and reach Hungarian frontier on January 6.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: Austrians occupy Ada Tsiganlia island near Belgrade.
Middle East
Armenia: Siberian Cossack Brigade retakes Ardahan with 1,300 PoWs and 4 guns. Turk XI Corps takes and loses Height 808, 4 guns and 300 PoWs to Yudenich. Dense fog stops operations at Sarikamish.
Occupied countries
Belgium: Cardinal Mercier arrested for pastoral letter about German cruelty.
Home Fronts
France: Revised contraband list issued.
Britain: Day of intercession for victory.
Fisher to Churchill: ‘I consider the attack on Turkey holds the field, but only if it’s immediate’.