Eastern Front
East Prussia: The German province re-invaded by Russians (Sivers’ Tenth Army with 20 divisions).
Galicia: Battle of Chyrow ends south of Przemysl in Brusilov success and with Austrian retreat (night November 2/3).
Western Front
Flanders – Battles of Messines and Armentieres end. Germans withdraw from all but 2 villages west of river Yser which repel 4 French attacks to concentrate on Ypres. They recapture Neuve Chapelle. BEF now holds 9 miles (ca. 14 km) and the French 18 miles (ca. 29 km). French President Poincare visits Belgian King Albert.
RUSSIA AND SERBIA DECLARE WAR ON TURKEY. Allies announce Holy Places’ immunity from attack. Britain publishes account of Turk provocations.
Middle East
Armenia: ÂRussian I Caucasus Corps crosses frontier at five points, occupies next day Bayazid (southwest of Mount Ararat).
Far East
Tsingtao: Austrian cruiser Kaiserin Elizabeth dynamited in floating dock.
Southern Fronts
Serbia: Austrians reoccupy Sabac.
African Fronts
East Africa: Battle of Tanga until November 5. Aitken’s IEF’B’ (7,972 men) lands at Tanga from 2200 hours, 80 miles (ca. 129 km) south of Mombasa as Lettow-Vorbeck arrives by train with his troops.
Uganda: 300 men strong Turkana Police Service Battalion raised for internal security operations.
Sea War
British Admiralty declares whole North Sea as ‘military zone’, lays mines to strengthen blockade.
Home Fronts
India: IEF’F’ sails for Egypt.
Egypt: Martial law proclaimed.
Russia: Bolshevik Ozerkov Conference (until November 4) ends in arrests including 5 Duma deputies. Following one day protest strike at Petrograd.