Diary November 28, 1914

German troops move up to the trenches
German troops move up to the newly-established trenches and shoulder the weight of their ‘Gewehr 1898’s. Each soldier carries at least 200 cartridges plus all his personal kit, a greatcoat and at least a day’s combat rations.
War Diary for Saturday, November 28, 1914:

Western Front

Artois: German attacks round Arras. French poet Jean de La Ville de Mirmont killed by landmine explosion at Verreiul, aged 27.

Eastern Front

Carpathians: Russians again secure Passes. Austrian Third Army forced back to river Toplya and Bartfeld in North Hungary.
Galicia: Austrian XI Corps retreats to Wieliczka c.8 miles (ca. 13 km) east of Cracow after fighting Russian Third Army since November 22. Conrad returns Austrian Fourth Army south of the Vistula.
Grand Duke Nicholas meets his 2 Front commanders at Siedlce (until November 30), Cracow offensive agreed.

Southern Fronts

Serbia: Putnik orders Belgrade’s evacuation after Austrian Sixth Army’s alarming gains. Front extends nearly 70 miles (ca. 113 km).

Sea War

East Africa: Battleship Goliath (after disabling 2 German ships Commander Ritchie wins first naval Victoria Cross) and cruiser Fox bombard Dar-es-Salaam for 15 minutes (and also on November 30). Governor’s palace destroyed.
Germany: Austria sells to Germany 5 U-boats which were building for her at Kiel (launched as U66-U70 from Apr­il 22 to June 24, 1915).

Middle East

German Field Marshal Goltz ordered to Constantinople as Sultan’s ‘Adjutant General’. Turks announce drive (fictitious) towards the Suez Canal.

Occupied countries

Belgium: General Bissing replaces Goltz as Governor-General.

Far East

India: Skirmish at Miranshah on Northwest Frontier until November 29.

Home Fronts

South Africa: Admiral King-Hall informed that South African Army is ready to resume campaign against Southwest Africa.
Britain: All moving into hotels must register with police. Professional football continues before large male crowds, despite protests.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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