Diary September 25, 1939

Huge fires after German air attack in Warsaws suburb Praga
Huge fires after German air attack in Warsaw’s suburb Praga, located on the right bank of the Vistula.

WW2 War Diary for Monday, September 25, 1939:


Second German ultimatum to Warsaw Garrison. Mass air attack on the city: 400 bombers and Stukas make repeated sorties, starting huge fires.

Sea War

Atlantic: Debut of Ju 88 dive-bomber in attack on carrier HMS Ark Royal and battlecruiser Hood (no damage). Goebbels claims destruction of the carrier.
Anti-U-boat minefield laid across Straits of Dover (completed October 23).

Home Fronts

Germany: Bread and flour rationed. Distribution of food ration cards completed.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III