Diary April 9, 1942

HMS Hermes sinks south of Trincomalee
After bomb hits by airplanes of the Japanese carriers Akagi, Hiryu and Soryu, HMS Hermes sinks south of Trincomalee.
WW2 War Diary for Thursday, April 9, 1942:

Sea War

Indian Ocean: Japanese Carrier Force raids Trincomalee naval base (Ceylon); dive-bombers sink British carrier Hermes, Australian destroyer Vampire, a corvette and 2 tankers. 9 Blenheim bombers (5 lost) make suicidal bombing raid on Japanese carriers. British Eastern Fleet retires to Bombay and Kilindini (Kenya).


Philippines: CAPITULATION OF AMERICAN-FILIPINO ARMY IN BATAAN PENINSULA. Island fortress of Corregidor still defies Japanese. 35,000 troops and 25,000 civilians fall into Japanese hands. Largest surrender in US history.

Home Fronts

USA: Cut back in petrol deliveries to 17 states.

Air War

Germany: 168 RAF bombers attacking Hamburg and dropping 250t of bombs.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III