Diary December 28, 1918

German SPD cabinet December 1918
The members of the German government of the USPD resign in protest at the fighting against the Spartacists. The SPD, with the approval of the Supreme Army Command, admits Wisseli (right) and Gustav Noske (centre) to the cabinet. Noske is to build up the new ‘Reichswehr’ and becomes the ‘bloodhound’ of the young German democracy.
World War One Diary for Saturday, December 28, 1918:

Home Fronts

Germany: 3 Commissars (USPD) resign but replaced by SPDs.
BRITISH GENERAL ELEC­TION RESULTS: Government Coalition 478 seats (Tory 384; LG Liberal 138, Coalition Labour 14) vs 219 Opposition (58 Labour, Asquith Liberals 27; Irish Nationalists 7; Sinn Fein 73). Liberal vote falls 50% to 25% of total (Asquith loses seat after 32 years as Member of Parliament). Tories dominant for first time since 1906. Countess Markiewicz only successful woman candidate (of 17) for Dublin but will not take the oath of allegiance to King. National War Bonds record £1388.5 million in last year.
Italy­: Socialist Minister Bissolati (Civil Aid and War Pensions) resigns vs Government anti-Yugoslav policy.

Eastern Front

Polish­-German fighting at Posen (Poznan).


Britain: Wilson Guildhall speech on Peace Treaty features.

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