World War One Diary for Monday, December 31, 1917:
Western Front
British took 1,018 PoWs and 4 guns. 183,896 AEF (American Expedition Force) personnel now in Europe.
Sea War
Allied and neutral December shipping losses to U-boats: 160 ships (76 British, 520 lives lost) worth 382,060t (U-boat figure 411,766t including 148,331t in Mediterranean; 8 U-boats lost, only 2 in Mediterranean). 3,680 portable hydrophone sets now in British service.
North Sea: ÂBritish 1917 Dutch convoys (1,031 ships) lose only 6 ships, but escorts lose 5 destroyers, 9 damaged, and 1 cruiser damaged in collision (520 lives lost).
Baltic: Russians have laid annual record of 13,418 mines.
Home Fronts
Britain: Lowest working days lost since April. Now 217,000 allotments in urban areas.
France: Elections postponed for duration. Stamp duty on purchases over 10 francs.
USA: Army strength 485,250; National Guard 416,031; National Army 480,000; Reserve 157,225.