World War One Diary for Tuesday, December 31, 1918:
Home Fronts
Germany: Vorwaerts publishes draft German constitution. Landsturm demobilized and dissolved.
USA: War Industries and Railroad Board dissolved.
Britain: 288,438 troops demobilized so far; 124,680 British ex-PoWs reach dispersal camps. National munition workers reduced from 306,000 to 136,000. 12,276 of 21,698 war contracts terminated. Last coalition War Cabinet meeting. During 1918 unemployment rose to 1.1 %; TU membership up 19%; only 5,000 working days lost to strikes before Armistice; imports up 19%, exports down 5%; shipping tonnage almost 20% down on end 1914; annual births lowest of war (848,519).
Western Front
Demobilization of German Landsturm. Foch told AEF will be reduced by 5 divisions per month in occupied area from March 1, 1919.
Eastern Front
Red Second Army retakes Ufa (gateway to the Urals) and Sterilitamak.
Sea War
Britain: Fisher visits aircraft carrier Furious at Rosyth and predicts the next war will be in 20 years’ time.
Air War
Britain: Death of Captain W Leefe Robinson, Victoria Cross, aged 23 of flu, PoW returned home on December 14.
Britain: Wilson and Balfour leave London for Paris.
Holland: Government allows normal river passage.