Middle East
Mesopotamia – Main Tigris crossing: 14th Indian Division (350 casualties) makes dawn crossing into Shumran Peninsula 7 miles west of Kut, builds a pontoon bridge and takes 544 Turk PoWs. Kiazim Karbekir evacuates Sannaiyat (night February 23-24).
Sea War
North Sea: U-boat sinks a Norwegian and 4 British steamers.
Black Sea: 30 landing ships ordered for Russian Fleet, 3 completed by April 1918.
Home Fronts
Ireland: 28 Sinn Fein agitators arrested and exiled for alleged plotting with Germans.
Britain: Prime Minister’s speech warns of more import restrictions (14th list issued), announces minimum wheat and oat prices till 1922 and 25s per week minimum wage in farming.
Russia: Duma President Rodzianko in last report urges Tsar to appoint new ministry, also sees Chief of Staff General Gourko on February 24-25; Duma re-opens on February 27.