Diary February 22, 1942

Air Marshal Sir Arthur Travers Harris,
Air Marshal Sir Arthur Travers Harris, called ‘Bomber Harris’ or the ‘Butcher’. Failed with his basic contention, that Germany could be defeated by air power alone, despite great damage and massive civilian deathtoll. Constantly repeated night raids involved heavy British losses, totalling 8,000 planes and 47,293 officers and men.
WW2 War Diary for Sunday, February 22, 1942:

Air War

Britain: Air Marshal Harris becomes AOC-in-C RAF Bomber Command.

Home Fronts

Britain: Colonel Llewellyn appointed Minister of Aircraft Production; Grigg becomes Secretary for War. Dr William Temple nominated Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of all England.

Sea War

Pacific: Japanese submarines sink 11 ships south of Java (February 22-March 1).

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