World War One Diary for Tuesday, February 5, 1918:
Air War
Western Front: Lieutenant Thompson of 103rd Aero Squadron (mainly Lafayette Escadrille veterans) first American fighter pilot serving in US forces to score in air combat. AEF has 225 aircraft (9 squadrons) on February 1.
Sea War
Atlantic – First US troops killed in transit: British troopship Tuscania sunk by UÂ-boat (166 US soldiers, 44 crew dead) off Ireland.
Home Fronts
Britain: Food Ministry offers amnesty to food hoarders.
USA: Captain Rintelen and 10 other Germans fined and imprisoned for trying to sink British SS Kirk Oswald. Committee on Public Information appeals to public not to shoot US Signal Corps carrier pigeons.
FranceÂ: 3,000 people in Roanne (Loire Department) protest against bread shortage, burn cotton magnate’s house, looting (until February 6) but riots ends by February 26.