Diary January 16, 1942

Field Marshal Walter von Reichenau
Field Marshal Walter von Reichenau was already in touch with Hitler before 1933 and was very ambitious.
WW2 War Diary for Friday, January 16, 1942:

Home Fronts

Russia: Russian High Command publishes contents of document found at Klin, northwest of Moscow and signed by F.M. von Reichenau, GOC German 6th Army, instructing German troops to be ‘merciless’ with the civil population. Reichenau himself killed in plane crash on way to hospital after heart attack.
USA: Movie star Carole Lombard killed in air crash on Table Mtn. near Las Vegas. She was returning from ‘War Bond’ fund-raising rally in Indianapolis; aged 41.


Russia: Cripps replaced by Kerr as British Ambassador in Moscow.

Air War

Germany: 52 RAF bombers attacking Hamburg and dropping 72t of bombs.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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