Diary January 3, 1919

Recruitment poster for the Jewish Legion
Recruitment poster for the Jewish Legion in Palestine, where the problems between Arabs and Jews begin.
World War One Diary for Friday, January 3, 1919:

Britain: Feisal-Weizmann Agreement in London (T E Lawrence present) welcomes Jewish settlement in Palestine. 19,000 soldiers protest at Folkestone over slow demobilization, refuse to return to France from leave. Rutherford splits the atom at Manchester University.
Italy: US President Wilson arrives in Rome (sees Pope on January 4, at Milan on January 5 5).
France: Food Council under Hoover formed in Paris to feed Central Powers (asks for 20 million British Pounds on January 4, Congress votes on January 13).
Baltic States: Royal Navy squadron sails from Riga for Copenhagen and sails thence to Rosyth (January 10). Red Latvian Army occupies Riga and sets up Latvian SSR.
South Russia: Denikin’s Volunteer Army (25,000 men and 75 guns) splits typhus-ridden Red Eleventh Army (70,000 strong) in three (until January 10), takes 50,000 PoWs.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III