Diary January 6, 1942

Members of the Spanish 'Blue Division'
Members of the Spanish ‘Blue Division’ in front of Leningrad are honored.
WW2 War Diary for Tuesday, January 6, 1942:

Eastern Front

Siege of Leningrad: Russians recapture Hogland Island, Gulf of Finland after crossing ice. Spanish volunteer Blue Division, fighting on Leningrad front, have now suffered heavy casualties, including many frostbite victims.

Home Fronts

USA: 60,000 aircraft and 8 million tons of merchant shipping are to be built in 1942; 125,000 planes and 10 million tons of shipping in 1943, declares Roosevelt in State of the Union Message to Congress.
Britain: Lord Woolton, Minister of Food, declares that, thanks to the success of the government’s food policy, the British people are ‘fighting fit’. Black marketeers had caused problems, but some of those responsible were ‘having a diet at Wormwood Scrubs’. Emergency feeding arrangements now include 1,170 ‘British Restaurants’.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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