Diary June 28, 1917

US forces arrive in Europe.
US forces arrive in Europe.
World War One Diary for Thursday, June 28, 1917:

Western Front

France: 14,000 US regulars and marines (2/3 recruits) land at St Nazaire.
Verdun: Fierce fighting west of Hill 304 (and Mort Homme on June 30). Germans capture some trenches until July 2.
Artois: BEF First Army in two attacks advances on 2-mile front south of river Souchez; Canadians secure most of Avion; 46th Division clears Hill 65; 15th Infantry Brigade (5th Division) captures position on edge of Oppy Wood under cover of smoke, previous assaults without failed bloodily.

Eastern Front

Galicia: Preliminary Russian shelling (including Royal Navy Air Service manned trench mortars) from 0400 hours, bridge behind Brzezany blown up.

Sea War

Germany: German Admiralty orders U­-boats to act off France and Italy as well as severing Salonika transport route, neutral ships in British convoys to be treated as hostile (June 30).

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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