Diary March 19, 1944

 Hungarian Fascists are marching in the roads of Budapest
Following the German occupation and coupe armed Hungarian Fascists are marching in the roads of Budapest.
WW2 War Diary for Sunday, March 19, 1944:

Home Fronts

Hungary: GERMAN OCCUPATION OF HUNGARY (Operation Panzerfaust), to forestall Hungarian attempts to make separate peace with Western Allies; Prime Minister M Kallay resigns; Sztojay, ambassador in Berlin, forms collaborationist Government.

Eastern Front

Southern Sector: Russians reach river Dniester on 97-km front.

Air War

Britain: Night raid on northeast coast of England (intended target, Hull); 9 planes lost.
Mediterranean – Operation Strangle: MAAF begins 3-week all-out offensive against Italian railway system, designed to isolate German forces in Italy. Fighter-bombers and medium bombers attack bridges, viaducts, rail/road off-loading points; heavy bombers attack marshalling yards, repair shops and junctions in North Italy; secondary targets including harbours and coastal shipping. 19,460t bombs dropped in March. In April-May, Operation Strangle merges into air phase of Operation Diadem, when 51,500t bombs are dropped. Great damage done but bad weather and multiplicity of targets ‘cheats’ ambitious plan.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III