Diary May 14, 1915

Austro-Hungarian soldiers close to Jaroslav
Austro-Hungarian soldiers close to Jaroslav in Galicia.
Diary for Friday, May 14, 1915:

Eastern Front

Galicia: German Guard Corps capture Jaroslav (93 miles (ca. 150 km) from Gorlice). English novelist Hugh Walpole becomes Russian officer in Otriad (Red Cross mobile hospital), reaches Lemberg on May 24.

Western Front

Ypres: Franco-Belgian advance near Het Sas and Steenstraate. British relieve French of 3 miles (ca. 5 km) south of La Bassee canal (night 14-15) as 400 guns prepare Haig’s next blow.

Southern Fronts

Austro-Italian border: Advanced detachments of 3 Austrian divisions from Poland detrain on Isonzo line, main VII Corps body reach Agram.

Middle East

Mesopotamia: Gorringe captures Arab fort in Persian Arabistan, but Turks withdraw to Amara. 2 British aircraft reach Basra, first flights on May 27.

Sea War

Baltic: Russian submarine Drakon twice vainly attacks German cruiser Thetis (initially towing U4).

Home Fronts

Britain: War Council meets, Kitchener accuses Admiralty, fears invasion. Churchill stiffens Gallipoli resolve.
The Times military correspon­dent highlights BEF shell shortage in dispatch prompted by Field Marshal French. Press blame Kitchener.
Venetia Stanley tells shattered Asquith she is marrying E Montague and ceasing correspondence.


Portugal: Navy and Democrats overthrow General Castro ‘dictatorship’ (1,150-1,300 casualties until May 1B). Castro deported to Azores, later flees to Germany.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III