Diary May 24, 1917

convoy of merchant ships
A convoy of merchant ships which is escorted by warships crosses the Atlantic. With the introduction of the convoy system, the rate of sunken merchant ships drops while the sunken submarines are rising.
World War One Diary for Thursday, May 24, 1917:

Sea War

Atlantic: First homeward-bound British transatlantic convoy sails from Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA, arrives safely despite fog and rough seas, 1 straggler lost to U-boat (4 convoys follow in June with 60 ships, no losses).
First U­-cruiser patrol (2 5.9in-guns and 18 torpedoes) begins: U-155 (Meusel) sinks 10 steamers and 7 sailing ships in 104 days or 52,000t (until September 4) on 10,220­-mile voyage, longest yet.
Adriatic: French submarine Circe torpedoes and sinks UC-24 off Cattaro. 2 Royal Navy monitors shell Prosecco crossroads and airfield near Trieste despite Austrian seaplane attacks (1 bomb hit, 1 shot down).

Eastern Front

Russia: Kerensky’s Declaration of the Rights of Soldiers (published on May 27).


USA: Prince Udine’s Italian War Mission sees Wilson (landed New York on May 9-10).

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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Conflict of Nations - World War III