Diary May 30, 1918

Greek Evzones in May 1918
Greek Evzones in May 1918. The five elite Evzone regiments are used as assault troops, but incurred such heavy losses in the two Balkan and World Wars that they were disbanded in 1944, leaving just the Royal (today Presidential) Guard.
World War One Diary for Thursday, May 30, 1918:

Southern Fronts

Macedonia – Combat of Skra di Legen: At 0455 hours Greek Crete and Archipelago divisions (2,659 casualties) storm fortified Bulgar 49th Regiment salient, rocky outwork of their line 10 miles west of the Vardar, in a morning behind Anglo-French creeping barrage and after diversionary operations since May 28; 1,812 Bulgar-German PoWs (800 killed), 50 MGs and 60 mortars taken. Brilliant limited military success of great political value in Greece for Venizelos, makes war fashionable. Bulgar afternoon and night counter­-attacks fail.

Western Front

Britain: Staff officer notes ‘Foch apparently does not think the war can be finished this year. DH [Haig] thinks it can and should.’
Marne: Germans reach river Marne in strength, capturing Chateau-Thierry and Dormans and advance on Compiegne but 8 Allied divisons arriving including US 3rd Division. French retire from river Ailette. British form Gater’s Force (until June 19) from 21st Division remnants. Foch gives Petain reserve Tenth Army (Maistre) from Picardy.

Air War

Germany: 16 D.H.4s attack Thionville; direct hits on officers’ billet (10 casualties), rail station, tracks and rolling stock.
France: 6 German bombers raid Paris (and on May 31), 17 bombs cause 6 casualties.
Western Front­: Banks in Sopwith Camel of No 43 Squadron destroys Friedrichshafen night bomber; RAF bomb towns behind German lines.
Italian Front – Trentino: 35 Royal Flying Corps Sopwith Camels bomb (1t) and strafe (9,000 rounds) Austrian huts north of Val d’Assa.
North Sea: 5 German seaplanes (from Borkum) destroy Yarmouth-based flying boat (3 PoWs including US NCF Ensign JJ Roe).

Secret War

Air War: Italian Voisin lands air observer Lieutenant Camillo de Carlo behind Austrian lines for 3 months; he discovers date of Piave offensive.

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