Diary May 8, 1942

Lord Charwell and Churchill
Lord Charwell (left, born in Germany as Frederick A Lindemann of Jewish descent) was a scientist and the gray eminence behind Churchill, who is standing next to him. His calculations and advice strengthened the British Prime Minister in his decision for the total bomb warfare on the German cities, which even overshadowed the devastation of Attila.
WW2 War Diary for Tuesday, May 8, 1942:

Home Fronts

Britain: Sinclair, Secretary for Air, declares at Birmingham that the RAF does not wish to destroy historic German cities but ‘we must and will destroy the enemy’s means of making war – his defences, factories … wherever they may be found … a terrible summer is in prospect for the German Air Force. By day and night, in the air and on the ground they will be exposed to unrelenting attacks …’.

Sea War

Pacific: Japanese liner Taiyo Maru (14,000t) sunk by American submarine off Hong Kong. 780 oil industry experts and technicians, travelling to East Indies to reactivate oilfields, are drowned.

Occupied Territories

Philippines: President Quezon arrives in San Francisco.

Conflict of Nations - World War III

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