Middle East
Gallipoli – Anzac bridgehead: Turk shells cause 262 casulaties at Lone Pine.
Western Front
Kitchener in Paris. Sir J French in London sees Asquith but does not take hint to resign, fears friction with King if he becomes C-in-C Home Forces.
Southern Fronts
Despite Misic’s pleading for drive to Greece and Allies and news of Germany withdrawing 6 divisions, Serb Army commanders in conferences at Pec (and on December 1) keep to Albanian retreat, preparations too advanced.
Italian Front: Italian Second Army finally takes Oslavia ridge.
Sea War
Black Sea: Minelayer sub UC13 runs aground and has to be abanÂdoned.
Sweden: ÂBelligerent submarines barred from territorial waters save in emergency on surface with flag.