Diary for Sunday, September 12, 1915:
Middle East
Mesopotamia: Townshend’s 11,080 men and 30 guns begin Tigris and land advance to Kut-el-Amara in 110-120° F until September 26.
Syria: French battleship Guichen with 4 other warships begin taking 4,000 Musa Dagh Armenians to Port Said.
Secret War: Gallipoli deserter Arab Lieutenant Muhammed al Faruqi interrogated in Cairo and at own request made agent ‘G’ to mediate with Sherif.
Western Front
Foch visits Haig re coming offensive.
Eastern Front
Baltic Provinces: German cavalry cut Vilna-Riga railway and taking Sventsyani.
Southern Fronts
Italian Front: Active fighting. Both sides have small successes.
Air War
Britain: Royal Navy gunnery expert Admiral Sir Percy Scott put in command of London’s anti-air defence and asks for 104 more guns plus over 50 searchlights and studies the example of Paris air defence.