Middle East
Gallipoli: Liman refuses to return to Constantinople, postpones Enver-suggested handover to Goltz from June 26.
Western Front
Vosges: French recapture Hill 627 also trenches between Fey-en-Haye and Bois-le-Pretre.
Southern Fronts
Trentino: Italians take Monticello and next day Malga Sarta and Costa Bella.
African Fronts
Southwest Africa: Colonel Brits takes Namutoni, 40 miles (ca. 64 km) northwest of Tsumeb, releases officer PoWs.
Germany: Government replies to 2nd US ‘Lusitania’ note fails to give pledges asked.
Home Fronts
Canada: Canadian Expedition Force expanded to 150,000 men; 140,000 recruits by July 26.